Present simple affirmative – dictation
Listen to the following recording and complete the sentences. All the sentences are in the present simple tense.
Read MoreListen to the following recording and complete the sentences. All the sentences are in the present simple tense.
Read MoreListen to the following recording and write the questions you hear. All the questions are in the present simple tense.
Read MoreDrag and drop the words into the correct position to form sentences in the present simple tense.
Read MoreGap fill exercise. Complete the following sentences with the verbs in the brackets. Put the verbs into the past continuous tense.
Read MoreListen and complete the following sentences. In this dictation you will practise past simple and past continuous tenses.
Read MoreDrag and drop the words to make correct sentences in the past continuous tense.
Read MoreListen and complete the following sentences. Use the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives. Irregular adjectives are used.
Read MoreChoose the best fitting modal verb into the sentences. Use Should / Might / Shouldn't. Just click the correct answers.
Read MoreUse these solutions and complete the sentences with SHOULD or SHOULDN'T
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